About Me

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MY name is Amy Stork. I am 28 years old. I have been married for 6 years and have two children Nicholas who is 5 and Ashlynn who is 2. I started college right after high school but decided to quit to get married and have kids. Last fall (2008) I decided it was time to finish so I started back!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Final Post!!!

1. This class has been my favorite class so far in my college career. I have learned so much from this class. To start off I have learned to blog. Blogging has now become a big part of my everyday life. I also hope to be showing my son's Kindergarten teacher how to use blogging next year in her class. Another thing that I learned or picked up from this class was skype. My husband travels a lot so I have used skype not only for class purposes but also for my husband to talk to and see our kids when he is out of town. One thing that I think will be the most useful for me is the use of google, google docs and google spreadsheets. Before this class I had no idea that there was a way to upload files and not only share them between people but be able to access them from ANY computer!! If I had to pick one thing that will benefit me the most in the future Google docs would be it! I have actually shared our presentation that we did on the SMART Board with my son's Kindergarten teacher as well as other teachers at the school using Google docs.

2. I can't think if anything else that I could have learned in this class that I didn't!

3. I will most certainly not be forgetting anything that I have learned in this class because this was , so far, the most interesting class I have taken.

4. When I think about what I was most "excited" about it would probably be two things. One would be actually learning and mastering iMovie and also my new MacBook Pro! The other thing would be The Google earth Tour because I thought I would NEVER figure it out but it the end I ended up showing the rest of the class how to do it!

5. Well other than the Google earth tour I think the rest of the class was fairly easy!

6. No for the first time I can say that I was NEVER bored in class. HOW REFRESHING!

7. First of all I was NOT overworked in this class. However, there is one thing that I would change! One thing that I might adjust a little bit is where to find the assignments. I was sometimes find myself forgetting to do things because I had to look at the syllabus, the class blog and my google docs. Not that it was too much but if I had to change something that would be it. Also, The only problem I think I ever had was that my teacher wasn't very knowledgeable about what we were supposed to be doing or actually about what Dr. Strange really wanted from us. So sometimes I felt that the other classes that Dr. Strange was actually teaching was getting more out of their class than we did.

8. I feel that I am 100% more technology literate than I was before this class! However, I am always finding more things that I didn't know!

9. I am going to try my best to keep up with what id going on in Dr. Strange's class and hopefully that will help me stay up with new technology!


  1. "...sometimes I felt that the other classes that Dr. Strange was actually teaching was getting more out of their class than we did." You may be right. I worry about that. We are reducing the number of classes to 4 next fall and I will be present in all of them most of the time so that may help.

    Glad blogging and Skype have proven to be useful to me. I agree!

    And I am always surprised that Google Docs is a "find." I have been using Google Docs so log I just take them for granted!

    And congratulations on your Mac!

    PS. Loved the cartoon about pencils and viruses!

  2. Good luck Amy in your future teaching career. As an educator, we all continue to continuously learn all the time.
