About Me

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MY name is Amy Stork. I am 28 years old. I have been married for 6 years and have two children Nicholas who is 5 and Ashlynn who is 2. I started college right after high school but decided to quit to get married and have kids. Last fall (2008) I decided it was time to finish so I started back!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

April 25th Post

7th Grader
All I can say about this student's PLN is WOW!!! I thought I had a nice PLN until I saw hers!! I am certainly going to watch this video again to try and improve my PLN! I wonder if this teacher has assigned all of this or she has went above and beyond. This is yet another reason for teachers to be technologically literate. Kids these days know how to use so many tools that it would be a shame not to let them explore and find things that otherwise they might not.

2 Questions
What great questions to ponder.
1. My sentence? Well, I have been thinking about that since last night in class and the sentence that I have some up with -
"I have decided to be master of my own happiness ... Clean up the present, embrace the future and let go of the past."

2. Was I better today than yesterday? This is a question that really got me thinking about how short life is and how we take it for granted. I want to live my life to be the best and most fulfilling life it can be. With that said I have decided to do my best EVERYDAY to do at least one thing better than I did the day before. I think that life is only what you make of it and I want mine to be GREAT!

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